Garrison Honey - Small Batch - Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml 3 Bottle Combo
Garrison Brothers HoneyDew Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Our award-winning Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey, infused with Burleson’s Texas Wildflower Honey, resulting in a smooth, light bourbon with a sweet honey finish. Our Master Distiller transformed used bourbon barrels into small, wooden cubes that were immersed in honey. After fully absorbing it, they were placed in the belly of a stainless-steel tank, letting the bourbon soak up those delicious honey flavors every single day for seven months. ABV: 40%
Garrison Brothers Small Batch Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Enjoying a bottle of Small Batch is an experience unlike any other. It’s everything rich and good about bourbon, without the bite. Our bourbon is amber-crimson like a Texas sunset, darker, richer, and fuller than almost any other bourbon on the market. ABV: 47%
Garrison Brothers Single Barrel Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
The embodiment of unique, authentic bourbon and arguably, the Holy Grail of Custom Craftsmanship. Barrels selected for the program are at least four years old – a year older than most early vintages of the Texas Small Batch Bourbon. Every barrel has its own distinct personality and character. That’s the true beauty of Single Barrel. The bourbon has a beautiful, dark copper color and long legs. The nose is more pronounced and delivers butterscotch, oak, vanilla, and nutmeg. This creates a warm and inviting environment, but it’s the sweet oak flavor that really drives the taste. ABV: 47%