Crystal Head Lunar New Year Limited Edition Vodka 750ml
In celebration of the Year of the Dragon, Crystal Head Vodka is releasing the Dragon bottle, which will be available in select markets in limited quantities.
Across Asia, dragons are cultural symbols representing good fortune, power, and harmony. Revered as protectors, dragons are commonly associated with water and are believed to rule over rain and agriculture.
In folklore, the dragon came fifth in the Great Race to decide the order of the 12 zodiac animals. During the race, the dragon stopped to bring rain to help the people and creatures on earth and was further delayed when it came to the aid of the rabbit- who had fallen into the water- by pushing it to the shore with its breath.
The iconic skull-shaped Crystal Head bottle is decorated in a rich, metallic red colour and features a hand-drawn, captivating design with a sophisticated finish. A gold dragon, detailed on the bottle’s surface, symbolizes strength and good fortune. The delicate blossoms and branches represent beauty and renewal. This combination of elements creates a visually stunning and culturally meaningful composition, turning the bottle into a beautiful work of art. This bottle will be available in a gold metal and wood cage.
This limited-edition bottle contains Crystal Head’s multi-award-winning original vodka, distilled four times from the highest quality, locally sourced Canadian corn.
On the nose–neutral grain aromas with a delicate touch of citrus. Silky smooth with a hint of sweetness and vanilla. Ending with a sweet, creamy finish.
ABV: 40%